Love of My Life

Love of My Life
My Princesses and Princes

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Vicky!!

Salam..Semalam (Monday) I terrr ambil EL ..sure my boss bengang... ha ha ha ..just too tired to go to office and both my arms rasa berat, sakit.. pegi Mediviron sure dpt MC punya.. tapi malas plak nak gi EL je yesterday pun sibuk jugak laa last touch up for the cake orders and delivery service.. nanti kena charge jugak tau sbb my hubby yg kena drive..ha ha..
This morning I came to office ..belum sempat wish my friend Vicky Happy Bday dia dah peluk and kiss me dulu...Dia bebetul happy with her Birthday Cake..cuma part writting tu dia kata saya kena improve lg..

 Mmg betul pun kalau part writing ni mmg tangan ni mengeletar sikit ...sbb kalau da silap x boleh nak erase tau... rosak rupa kek tu nanti... susah nak modified balik!! Cake ni guna 2 resepi Carrot Walnut ..and mmg fav my friend Vicky...dia pernah bawa kek ni terbang sampai Chennai and Bangalore tau!! TQ Vicky for this order...dia dah tempah in advance for her husband bday in August nanti!! That time she want to order 3 x this size...fuh.. thats another CHALLENGE for me...
OK laa enough update for today...Cik Heidi sibuk nak guna computer so kena laa mama nya berundur diri dulu ye...Asalamualaikum ..good nite and sweet dreammm...

Most Tedious Project...Another Fondant Cake

Salam again...ok this is the project that need so much concentration and time...sabar sabar be patient...but I enjoy every single minute doing this project with my princesses! Yg ni boleh kira betul betul my really really 1st Birthday Cake using fondant..
                                                       Doraemon Cake

Terlalu excited semua angle nak tunjuk.. time ni ada assistant tolong ambik gambar... siap panjat panjat kerusi lagi.. ha ha ha.. Last week masa berguru.. punya laa senang tengok my sifu mencanai fondant tu.. kali ni bila buat sendiri...berpeluh peluh menggelek fondant tu, nak angkat...terkoyak tah berapa kali..kena redo..uli,gelek semula..betul kata sifu..all this need practice..
Paling kelakar si Doraemon yg obesiti tu...maklum laa x pernah buat fondant fugurin..konon nak buat besar besar akhirnya si Doraemon tu terpaksa tido je tak boleh nak dibangunkan sbb terlalu tak kering lg.. tak pe laa ye Moi mcm you pesan.. Doraemon gred AAA pun tak pe kan... ha ha ha ha..
Kek tu, top layer is the same chocolate cake I used before, filled with chocolate ganache and yg kat bawah tu ..yg besar tu is Kek Alunan Kasih..acually is butter cake je..tapi disebab kan dah di layer kan dgn 3 warna..dan nampak berombak tu laa sbb dinamakan sebegitu oleh penciptanya..this cake popular among bloggers dapur yg suka buat cake ...nanti saya share the recipe...but as I mentioned before I just wanted to update photo je tonight..
For this project ..Alhamdulillah friend betul betul happy, kek pun licin, family dia pun happy promoting this cake to their friends...TQ again Sow Yee next yr Joshua 2 yrs order lagi kat I tau!!
So much story on this cake..lupa plak I got I more project to share..wokay c u in the next post..

Project Cupcakes

Salam...last weekend satu hujung minggu yg sangat sibuk buat saya...ada 3 projek dan
sempat lagi attend my ex officemates wedding...Kalau fikir kan sibuk mmg malas nak gi wedding tu tapi bila fikir nak jumpa semula geng geng lama..niat tu di teruskan aje dan
mmg berbaloi dapat jumpa kawan2 lama ..rindu kat mereka semua dah dekat 15 tahun dapat berkumpul semula..alangkah seronoknya...masing2 byk betul cerita nak update, macam macam nak cerita...

Continue about my project, the 1st one is this cupcakes...a birthday gift to Baby Joshua.
Vanilla cupcake with blueberry filling + topped with buttercream.. jenuh jugak nak jaga
cupcake ni sebelum dihantar sbb si kecik saya sibuk nak kopek gambar Mickey Mouse tu...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Fondant Deco

Salam ..sambung lagi cerita projek last weekend..saya buat 3 biji kek sebenarnya last weekend..1st one..kek lapis tu.. then I bake chocolate cake sbb on Sunday nak gi `Berguru' mendeko kek fondant.nampak macam x cukup je so 1st thing Sunday morning tu I baked another Chocolate Cake..

So tuan tuan dan puan puan adik adik kakak kakak...saksikan lahhh hasil keras tangan saya ....punya laa saya happy sehingga x sampai hati nak makan kek ni!! TQ soo much to my `Sifu' yg korban kan 1/2 Sunday afternoon to teach me decorating this cake using fondant...So many tips..and so many do's and don'ts TQ TQ TQ so much ..
1st time doing this...tgk lah my cake yg senget benget tu...but stilll comel and sweet kan? kan? he he..tapi part buat bunga tu...mmg saya tak expert...macam kerass je tangan ni nak memintal bunga ros yg simple tu..akhirnya Puan Cikgu jugaklah yg buat most of the flowers...nak kena practice banyak ni...baru la lembut tangan ni..
For the cake I used this recipe...

Kek Coklat Kukus

Sumber; dapurmelur.blogspot

1 cawan koko
1 cawan gula caster
1 cawan susu cair
1 cawan minyak jagung ( I used melted butter)
½ cawan susu pekat manis
1 ¼ cawan tepung gandum(I used cake flour)
1 sudu teh baking powder
1 sudu teh soda bicarbonate( I used ½ suduteh shj)
3  biji telur ( I used grade A)


Sediakan loyang 8”(greased lightly with oil/ butter & lapik dgn baking paper.
Ayak tepung + baking powder + soda bicarbonate, ketepikan.
Di dalam mangkuk berasingan campur kan koko + gula + susu cair+susu pekat
Dan minyak/butter, masak cara double boiler hingga semua bahan larut dan sebati.
Turunkan dari dapur dan biarkan adunan sejuk/ suam sedikit.
Sementara tu, pukul telur hingga kembang , campurkan dgn campuran koko
Tadi, kacau rata dan masukkan tepung perlahan-lahan.( I beat with electric mixer
About 3 minutes).
Tuang kan ke dalam loyang dan kukus 1 ½ jam.( I bake 1 hr @ 180 C)

Once again TQ Shafinaz...Insyaallah lepas u balik umrah nanti kita sambung kelas and cerita lagi ye...our never ending story....ha ha ha

Project Kek Lapis Oren Howflakes

Asalamualaikum...dua minggu x update blog...bukannya x de projek...adaaa..tapi malas nak share sbb tak successfull..Macaron experiment lg...dah 3 kali saya cuba try far ...still yg 1st project tu je saya happy..ada feet tapi berjerawat, 2nd time still ada jerawat.. and 3 rd one... x de jerawat and x de feet pun!! Tension...tu laaa sebab saya x de mood nak berstory mory...but now I have 2 project to `Show Off' ( fuh berlagak!!) ha ha

I  made this cake last Saturday, nak update semalam ...letih la pulak..sbb 1/2 day semalam dah pergi berguru...Again I followed Rima's here..really like her blog. baaanyak betul recipes yg saya nak experiment. Mcm biasa i must bawa my experiment product to office...dah ada pun yg berkenan terus order..Alhamdulillah....Dear Rima...pls let me put the recipe here for my future reference ye...

Kek Lapis Oren Howflakes

300 gm butter ( pun follow tuan punya resepi I used Anchor unsalted)
150 gm caster sugar ( I used 100gm shj)
14 egg yolks
5 tbsp sweetened condensed milk
I tsp vanilla essence

150 gm caster sugar
7 egg whites
1/4 tsp cream of tartar

180 gm Hong Kong flour
1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp orange colouring
2 tsp orange paste

Asam Howflakes secukupnya( I used about 50 pcs yg size 50 sen)

  • Preheat oven 180C for 15 minutes. Prepape yr baking tray(I used 9 x 9 )
  • Combined ingredients (A) in a mixing bowl and beat on high speed for 10 minutes till creamy.
  • Add in egg yolks one at a time while beating until well blended. Pour batter in a large mixing bowl and set aside.
  • Ingredients (B) - in another bowl whisk the egg whites and cream of tartar until frothy, add caster sugar a little at a time and continue to whisk till medium/stiff peak( about 5 minutes)
  • Add in the sifted ingredients (C) to the butter mixture, fold in gently to combine.
  • Pour in the egg whites , mix until evenly mixed, divide batter into 2 parts, one part is mixed with ingredients (D) and the other remain original flav./ colour.
  • Weigh yr batter and divide it by the number of layers you want your cake to be( i used bigger tray than Rima -each layer about 115 gm)
  • Bake layer by layer altenating between plain and orange batter using upper fire( 7 minutes each layer or until turn golden brown), add howflakes on top of every orange layer( I used 25 Howflakes each layer)
  • Bake the last layer using upper and lower heat for 10 minutes, if yr top gets brown easily cover top with aluminium foil.
I have extra howflakes left so I used it to deco on top of the cake.
Finally I want share this photo jugak.. My Power Rangers...sibuk komplen...Mama ni asyik ambik gambar kek aje!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Kek Pisang Sempoi?

Asalamualaikum...Selamat Hari Ibu all this world...a belated one..
Make this cake yesterday..namanya Sempoi...mmg lah sempoi the recipe from blog MasamManis..and Azlita pun got it from satu web lain lupa pulak apa dia..nanti saya cek semula...make this cake sbb ada byk pisang Berangan bergolek golek kat
dapur sana sini for the recipe.. terminat pulak nak buat yg 'Sempoi' my butter stock dah habih cuma ada minyak jagung jadilah Kek Pisang Sempoi ni....
And again saya modified cikit dari tuan punya resepi utk megikut perkara-perkara yg sewaktu dengannya he he he...

here's the very very lah simple recipe and methods :
  • 150gm pisang (di lecek) kalau pisang berangan >< 2 biji..I used extra 2 sbb byk stock
  • 180gm self raising flour(sifted) ..original recipe guna tepung gandun biasa( 1ts bp + 1 ts bs)
  • 180gm icing sugar(sifted)... I used 150 gm pun still sweeeet
  • 3 eggs
  • 120 ml corn oil
  • 1ts ovalette
  • 3/4 ts baking soda original recipe guna 1 ts, saya kurangkan sbb x suka flav bs tu
  • pinch of salt
Method ;- 

Panaskan oven 180c.
Masukkan semua bahan di dalam satu bekas, then pukul/ kacau dgn mixer sehingga
adunan menjadi putih.
the extra 2 bji pisang tu saya.. chopped saja dan gaul rata pada adunan sebelum di bakar.
Masuk kedalam tin pembakar yg sudah di gris dgn butter/ minyak dan di alas dgn parchment paper.
Bakar 40 to 50 minit ..bergantung pada oven masing2 atau hingga kek masak.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Midnite Baker...

Salam..really glad I got few more orders from my friends the preps had to be done after works ..of course ..of course..wa still makan gaji maaa...I slept at 3.30 am ..the miracle part is I did not feel sleepy at all...really happy doing the deco deco works at 2 am..Bake the cakes after maghrib ..and my hubby so sporting that nite, tapau for us dinner...TQ yaaang..Try my luck again experiment the Red Velvet..this time the cake texture is better than my 1st experiment but still I''m not satisfied with the taste!! Still prefer the rich  chocolatty taste!!
I'm running out of red colouring so the cake tak la 'Semerah Baldu' anyway Happy Bday Emily!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Experimenting the Vanillekipferl

Salam...buat experiment lagi...found the recipe kat blog Bisous A Toi.. nak buat sbb a bit different from other cookies plus I still have almond meals in my stocks...balance from the 'Macaron Experiment'.
This one is a bit different sbb the vanilla was added only in the icing sugar, plus rupa dia yg macam kuih makmur tu puuun dah buat saya termeleleh air liur..
I followed  Rima's recipe exactly...the taste sister pun suka but next trip I make this cookie I have to derhaka sikit( ha ha Cik Mat Gebu fav words) with Rima's recipe...bcoz ada yg x boleh accept the vanilla flav kat icing sugar I will have to add the vanilin in the dough instead. TQ Rima...for sharing the recipe ...really love to surf ur blog!! Will try your Lapis Howflakes Orange  pulak nanti!!

 put the recipe here for my future reference..

250 g butter ( I used Anchor salted)
2 tbs milk powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
225 g cake flour
225 g almond powder
1/2 ts vanillin

200g icing sugar (sifted)

  • Preheat oven to 160 C
  • Grease baking pan with butter/ margarine
  • Beat butter, milk powder & baking powder until smooth
  • Add in almond powder , flour and vanillin, stir well until dough is good enough to shape
  • Bake for 20 minutes, lift it immediately while it's hot and roll into the icing sugar.
saya tambah sesudu coloured sugar (pink)kat icing sugar .. just to add some colour to the cookies.

My Weekend Projects

Salam...barulaa ada masa nak update story mory...last weekend kami balik Kampung..sejak Cik Hannah dok asrama susah sikit kami nak balik selalu..kena tunggu ada cuti panjang baru boleh balik. Nak balik without Hannah pun ok..but nanti my mother will keep on asking about her...mesti cukup 6 org baru my mom
happy...nenek ngan cucu kann....extra special sikit...kita pulak naik jelous..
Before balik tu sempat laa buat cookies and carrot cake for my mom...macam nak raya pulak rasanya malam tu...and my sister pun balik jugak...dia pulak buat pineapple tart..lagi meriah laa Labor Day kami.. he he... kami bila dah berkumpul...apa lagi....FOOD TALK aje laa and masak masak masak... Lontong lah ...Laksa Johor laa... paling best malam tu my sister bawa BiG BiG ketam from Muadzam..jamuan ketam lah malam tu... my hubby yg sibuk watch kalori tu pun x sampai hati nak ignore Ketam Masak Lemak Nenas tu....ngap jugak... ha ha ha ...Petang Ahad my eldest sister 'Mak Datin' pulak balik..siap bawak oven kecik lg sbb nak bakar croissant yg dia buat sendiri..rugi laa x dapat rasa..sbb kami kena balik Kelana Jaya malam tu..and rugi lagi sbb the next day dia plan nak buat Nasi Kerabu utk sarapan pagi...ishhh tu my fav tau!!
Monday morning dah sibuk buat cokelat utk cik kak yg nak balik asrama I got orders from my friend...alhamdullilah lately ni setiap wkend ada je friends yg order my products...And macam biasalaa
kalau dah start mentempering tu lebih lebih laa pulak ..buat lollichoc jugak ..selalu nya si cik kak Heidi yg nak...mmg penat tapi I just love doing all this....hobby laa kannn...he he he...fuh byk pulak story mory puan RieRien ye!!

Chocolate ordered by a friend kat office
Packed and Sold !! Tq As and her hubby.

Lollichoc for the ladies at CoE..