Love of My Life

Love of My Life
My Princesses and Princes

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mini orders...

Salam...last Sunday besides the cookies, I made carrot cake and soft cheesecake
topped with peaches and jelly...orders from my close friends..
Kek kecik kecik tu my friend San San and few more clique from HQ  yg order ...TQ
pretty San San...and yg macam malu malu nak tunjuk tu is the soft cheesecake topped with peaches and jelly..tak begitu lawa sbb tak sempat nak deco order saya
buat cantik cantik and post kat sini...he he he .And this one was ordered by my Amoi sister Sow Yee...tq Moi for being my supporter all this while..selalu kena rasa
my 'experiment'!! ha ha ha..

Yg ni...was made last week ...sold to my friends kat COE....

Monday, April 25, 2011

Oatmeal Chocolate Chips Cookies

Asalamualaikum....1.30 pm...lunch hr kat office ni...malas nak keluar..saya update story mory lagi baik..Last Sunday kami gi Yummies Bangi lagi... kalau pergi sana kena laa singgah rumah my `Beras' he he my mother in law pun ada kat sana ... so we have made arrangements nak lunch kat sanalah.So my hubby kata buatlah kek ..Adam ngan Azam mesti nak cake..
Tak de mood nak mengecake pagi Sunday I made this cookies. Sampai Bangi ..kejap dah the recipe from one of my fav blogs Michelle Cake Design:
Here's the recipe.. pun cut paste dari sana..
Makes 32 Cookies.
125g butter, softened
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon bi-carb soda
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 egg
1 cup plain flour
1 cup instant oatmeal or instant oats
1 cup chocolate chips ( saya guna 1/2 cup choc chips and 1/2 cup dark (compound) chocolate -chopped
1/2 cup finely chopped walnuts
Baking Temperature
The oven should be preheated to 160oC (325oF)
1.              In a large mixing bowl add the butter, sugars, baking powder, bi-carb soda and vanilla extract.
2.              On low speed beat until combined. Scrape the sides of the bowl down.
3.              Beat in the egg until combined and scrape down.
4.              Add the flour, oatmeal, chocolate chips and walnuts and mix on low speed until just combined.
5.              Take heaped teaspoonfuls of the cookie dough and shape into balls.
6.              Place on a baking tray that has been lightly coated with cooking spray or lined with baking paper.
7.              leave space between the balls as they will spread during baking.
8.              Bake in a preheated oven set to 160oC (325oF) for 10-12 minutes. The cookies are ready when they are a light golden colour.
9.              Remove from the oven and leave to cool on the baking tray for 5 minutes then transfer them to a cooling wire.
10.          The cookies will collapse slightly on cooling.
·                                 Store in an airtight container for one week. The cookies can be frozen for up to two months.
·                                 These cookies are crisp when first baked, they soften on storage. This is how I like them but you can always re-crispen them quickly in the oven.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Daging Masak Lada Hitam style lah pulak..

Asalamualikum.....nak story pasal masak masak pulak hari ni...saya ni kalau masak cincai je..ikut apa yg teringat kat kepala..apa yg mak / kakak2 saya ajar..tapi walaucemana pun flavour nya mestilah puaskan hati saya dulu...haa cerewet pulak eh... mestilaa ..makan mesti nak sedap, biar puashati..Paling seronok bila En Hubby dan anak anak makan sampai licin..x sempat nak simpan for next eating session..Salah satu our favorite is black pepper beef tu laa.. boleh consider as lauk malas ..sebab tak susah nak buat dan maaanyak senang ..ikut cara saya lah..mmg x ciplak dari mana mana..ikut memori kat kepala je.. he he he..I share the recipe here that Cik Hannah/ Cik Heidi boleh gunakan in the future ..kalaulaaa mereka nak masak macam mama diorang masak....hmmm ;-)

300 gm Daging Batang Pinang( daging yg lembut pun ok)
3 ulas bawang putih
1 sudu besar lada hitam
4 sudu besar kicap lemak manis
(tumbuk lada hitam & bawang putih , campur kan kicap , gaul kan pada daging dan perap at least 30 minit)

  • 1/4 cawan minyak masak
  • 2 ulas bawang merah
  • 1 ulas bawang putih
  • 1 1/2 inch halia muda(hiris nipis)
  • 1/2 kiub ayam Knoor
  • 2 sudu makan sos tiram
  • sedikit air asam jawa
  • 1 cawan air
  • I biji bawang besar ( hiris kasar)
  • 2 biji cili merah /1 biji capsicum pepper ( potong dadu / memanjang)
  1. Panaskan kuali, masukkan minyak dan tumis bawang merah & bawang putih yg di tumbuk halus.
  2. Masukkan daging, halia, kiub ayam, air asam dan air.Masak hingga air hampir kering kemudian masukkan sos tiram . Tak perlu garam sbb dah guna kicap..tapi kalau suka masin tambah laa ye..dan kalau suka flavour manis boleh juga tambah sesudu gula.
  3. Akhir sekali masukkan bawang besar dan cili merah / capsicum, kacau sekejap je then angkat.
  4. Hidang kan ikut suka cita rasa masing masing...
 fuhh penat jugak eh...nak taip resepi ni...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My 1st Macaroon Project

Asalamualaikum...Hari ni telah terlaksana impian saya nak cuba try test buat Macaroon yg tengah famous skrg ni...Macam laa frame kat atas tu ...berbunga2 happynya hati saya..walaupun permukaan macaroon saya tu ada jerawat( nak kena guna OXY plak kott!! ha ha ha) tapi tah macam mana hati saya kembang setaman Happy happy happy.....tak le teruk sgt kan? kan? TQ soooo much Azlita dari Blog Masam Manis yg baik hati share step by step and the recipes...Melihat macaroons Ita yg sungguh jelita..licin...haa x boleh jadi...I must try this too!! I think i know why my macaroons tu tak rata...malas punya pasal laa tak ayak almond meal and the icing sugar properly..insyaallah next trip I'll do!!Esok laa kot ha ha ha...sbb yg buat tadi tu pun dah nak habis..suka betul Zikry makan!! I used coffee and strawberry ganache..tapiii kalau tambah nuts lg sedap agaknya... My hubby pun suka...tapi sbb too sweet... dia x berani makan ni my Mr Hubby tu tengah giat jaga kalori..he he he

ni yg tengah que nak masuk oven..
2 miggu lepas me and my officemates gi lunch kat Shangri-la KL.(ada laa yg sponsor) ada macaroons and desert desert desert...hmm as usual lah I will start my meal with desert 1st!! Kenapa pulak eh??? Iye laa kalau dah makan yg lain the end bila daa kenyang tak larat nak ambik desert kan rugi... ha ha ha tu cara saya lahh bcozz I love desert...but the macaroons taste was good....kita siap tapau 2,3 bijik utk geng kat office... ha ha x malu btol!!! Mak oii it's now 12.40 am...punya laa excited story psal macaroons... cont esok lah...;-) sweet dream and Asalamualaikum....

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Project Cheesecake

Chocolate Marble Cheesecake ...yg ni my hubby suka sangat..asyik minta `one big slice please!!'
Resepi dari Hershey's Kitchen cuba nak copy tapi susah sgt..lain kali je lahh..

                                    Strawberry Cheesecake untuk Bday Hannah

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

laaaaagi gambar...

Double Chococolate Chips & Blueberry Muffins
Red Velvet Cupcake

& Lemon Cupcakes

Fuhh.. tak habis post lg gambar lama....

Eisshh maklumlah blog baru kan? kan? tapi saya x pandai lg nak buat gambar ni terbang terbang..he he nanti saya cari ` Tok Guru' ..

Sambung lagi.. baking project with Buttercream Deco pulak...
 This two cakes for my son's ni dah terlebih rajin buat kek ..kami jarang
dah beli kat Secret Recipe..lagi seronok makan hasil tangan sendiri kan ...
Coffee Cake...for Zikry

the buttercream sooooo sweet (naik pening kepala), follow recipe from a book I just
bought at project I have to reduce the sugar!!

                           Butter cake for Zarief..

this two cakes are my 1st experiment dgn buttercream...macam selekeh je tapi I'm
having fun mendeco!!

                                                      Chocolate Moist untuk Heidi

More Photos

Yg ni my favorite..Extraordinaire Chocolate Brownies got the recipe from Women'sWeekly reader recipe...

pic no 2 is Marble Cheese Brownies .. recipe dari RinnChan Fotopages...yg ni pun ramai suka...
No  3 is Chewy Gooey Brownies...termeleleh air liur tgk Bro Rozzan Blogspot so
I pun buat jugak... haa mana laa tak bertambah berat badan....

nanti bila senang I will share the recipe....

Old pics of my baking project...

Carrot Walnut Cakes......

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Ni gambar baking project saya semalam, Custard Teacake..resepi dari blogger tersohor 1001 resepi..
Mmg sedap kek ni and something different sbb ada filling custard ..tks Kak Ida for sharing the recipe..

I'm new to this blogging world..usually when I'm getting bored kat office I will surf to my fav blogs spt..1001 resepi , DTS Cik Mat Gebu, Cupcakekasih, Joy of Baking..and baaaaanyak lagi...cari resepi menarik...kalau terbekenan kat mata / termeleleh air liur..balik keja / lunch hr saya cari bahan ....then buat `experiment'.
Most of my `experiment' tu success esp kalau baking baking ni lah ...yg beruntung my officemateslah selalu dpt makan my `experiment' product! ha ha ha ... tak pe ...saya happy kalau mereka enjoy masakan/ kuih/ kek yg saya buat.

Now I have my own blog ...saya akan share my fav recipes ..just for my reference and kalau ada yg nak tengok and buat`experiment' jugak apa salahnya...

So for my 1st post.. Custard Teacake  a good recipe from Kak Ida 1001 resepi

bahan-bahan( saya double kan semua utk dpt kan size mcm dlm gambar)

125g/1/2 cawan butter
1/3 cawan gula castor
1 biji telor
3/4 cawan tepung naik sendiri
1/4 cawan tepung kastard

1) pukul mentega dengan gula hingga kembang, masukkan telur...gaul rata...masukkan tepung dan gaul rata.
2) guna kek pan yang boleh ditanggalkan di bahagian bawahnya...alas dengan kertas dan gris supaya tidak melekat...
3) letakkan sebahagian kek batter dan ratakan...tuangkan kastard dan kemudian tuang baki kek tadi, ratakan dan bakar dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu selama 30 minit pada 180C...
4) keluarkan dari oven, sejukkan dan taburkan gula icing...

bahan kastard
1 sudu besar tepung kastard
1 sudu besar gula kastor
2/3 cawan susu
15g butter
2 sudu teh vanilla

larutkan tepung kastard dan gula kedalam susu, panaskan hingga mendidih dan pekat....masukkan butter dan vanilla...sejukkan...

note: doublekan kuantiti jika mahukan kek yang lebih besar...