Love of My Life

Love of My Life
My Princesses and Princes

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Cheesecake Brownies


...and my update continues... with this special order from Cik Shikin...a gift untuk kawan / saudara dia..
(lupalah kita...)yang bertunang di Melaka...

X de modified apa apa pun dari original recipe..sbb mmg dah perrfect ..x manis and chocolatty and cheeesy sedaplah...he he lebih lebih lah pulak..cuma tambah deco Coklat je.....iyelaaa nak buat hantaran mestilah
kena deco sikit ...barule menarik kan..
Get the recipe from favorite reference ....

copy the recipe here again for my easy reference...


125g butter, chopped
250g dark chocolate, chopped
1/2 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
2 eggs, lightly beaten,
1 1/4 cups plain flour, sifted
250g cream cheese, room temperature
2 eggs, lightly beaten
2 tablespoons caster sugar

Baking Temperature

The oven should be preheated to 160C (325F)


  1. In a medium size microwave safe bowl heat the chopped butter and dark chocolate on high for 1 minute. Remove and stir until blended. You may need a further 30 seconds. Stir until smooth. Cool slightly so that you do not cook the eggs when you add them.
  2. Add the brown sugar and the beaten eggs. Stir through.
  3. Add the sifted flour stir through until smooth.
  4. Divide the brownie batter evenly into the patty cake pans. Using a small icecream scoop makes this quick and easy.
  5. In a small mixing bowl beat the cream cheese and sugar until smooth. Having the cream cheese at room temperature makes this easier.
  6. Slowly mix through the egg. Scrape down the sides and give a quick final mix.
  7. Divide the cream cheese mix evenly to top the brownies. Give the pans a gently shake to level the tops.
  8. Bake in a preheated oven set to 160C (325F) for 25 minutes. The brownies are ready when the tops are slightly domed and before they just start to crack.
  9. Remove from the oven and leave to cool in the tin for 10 minutes before removing to a cake rack to cool completely.
  10. Store in an airtight container for one week.

Updating gambar lama lagi...

Hi...let's share lagi gambar previous orders...

Chocolate Moist + Chocolate Ganache + Blueberry Filling
ordered by Sister Vicky for Deepavali

And...macam biasa... her Favourite Carrot Walnut..
TQ so much...last week pun dia order lagi Carrot Walnut & Chocolate Cake
untuk saudara mara dia kat Chennai..hmm my cake naik kapalterbang lagi..he he
tapi x sempat nak ambik gambar but the packing is something macam kat atas tu laa..

Carrot Walnut + Cream Cheese
ordered by Encik Zaini...TQ bro...dah 2 kali order...nanti order lagi ye...mula mula datang
KL dulu dia declare x suka makan kek...he he lepas makan kek Carrot terus tukar lah
pulak ye... tu laa org kata X Kenal Maka X Cinta...

And satu lagi gambar saya nak share...bukan kita buatlah tapi
berkenan sangat dgn kek Simple ni ...nama pun match betul dgn cake ni
Last Minute Wedding Cake
photo dari Cake Connections...
so simple but so sweet ...and nice!!

Cupcakes, Cupcakes, Cupcakes

Salam...and Happy CNY to those celebrating esp my friends...just came back from cuti CNY 4 hari...ishhh malas nyeeeeee nak pun kosong peacefulll...

Saya sambung mengupdate gambar gambar lama ...pun x lama lah jugak sometime around Raya Haji je...ha ha...The foto below cupcakes ordered by my loyal customer...As and her hubby...Hello Kitty...comelkan?
The bunga's and figurins semua...buat sendiri..tapi kali ni ada assistant..part menyusun tu Cik Aina Mardiah
yg buat...sampai kul 3 pagi baru siap....TQ Cik Aina...nanti tolong lagi eh!!
Chocolate/ Vanilla  Cuppies + Buttercream + Chocolate Ganache
Fondant Deco's 

Yg cuppies 4 biji tu Cik Hannah yg buat utk geng asrama dia...hmm cetak rompak mama punya design ye!!

Chocolate/ Vanilla  Cuppies + Buttercream + Chocolate Ganache
Fondant Deco's 
And this one pun tempahan dari As and hubby ..yg Hello Kitty tu utk Sabrina dan yg kat bawah ni pulak si adik..or kakak errr lupa lah pulak.. masa buat cake ni kita terdemam lah pulak....tak larat nak buat
extra deco ...hopefully Atikah suka...nak fix thema Winnie the Pooh but x de power nak buat geng geng
Pooh yg lain..jadi lah Thema Rojak.

Chocolate Cupcakes + Chocolate Ganache
ordered by Sow Yee utk makan makan dgn family..dia kata x payah deco deco..ishhh mana
boleh...x puas hati lah kalau x deco...simple je...bunga pun dah sedia ada..tampal je lah...

Mini Chocolate Cupcakes + Chocolate Ganache
untuk anakanda Cik Hannah Madihah bawa balik Asrama..nak share dgn kawan-kawan dorm..
Ok ...boleh update setakat ini sahaja....will update more photos of 'MY' product in my next post...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Baby is 4 years old!


Sambung cerita lunch hour x banyak masa so cerita sikit je lah... Just nak share gambar cake Zarief..yang dah turn 4 on 6th Dec 2011. Si kerinting ni sekarang baaanyak cakap betull!! Kadang kadang
tak terjawab...sometimes keluar juga soalan cepu emas..macam...Mama kenapa girl ada ni? Mama boy ada tu tak? Di rumah dia address himself as Baby...tapi keluar dari rumah atau depan orang lain dia switch jadi Amat... kalau tersilap panggil Baby depan orang dia marah!! Fuh control macho jugak si kecik ni!!

Sekarang ni pantang keluar rumah mesti minta toy!! Paling lah suka kalau dia dapat toy x kira lah apa pun asal kan toy! Macam lah jugak perangai si Abg Zikry masa kecik dulu ni dia sambung koleksi Hotwheels Zikry.
We celebrate Bday Amat kat Melaka, the cake Cadbury Layer Cake bakar kat Kelana Jaya, deco kat
Melaka....tak cukup gadget...tapi yg penting Amat happy...dia tak bagi potong gambar Angry Birds tu...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Selamat Tinggal 2009, 2010 & 2011...Hello 2012... I am timbul semula untuk meng..update my one and only BLoG...
and dah 3 minggu terlewat..but we are still in January Selamat Tahun Baru 2012..
Permulaan Tahun Baru yg kurenggg menarik.....Sakit Kepala / migraine/ & Sakit Hati...ishhhh
bengang betul!!
and...I'm reffering this pasal office life...bukan family...My mood nak kerja terus drop...but at the
same time tak boleh nak berlagak CABUT LARI je...sbb committment dgn family tersayang..
tempuh laa jugak.All this is just bcoz my cuti dah habis and I request for UNPAID leave ....
such a small matters ...I got 'Show Cause Letter & Warning Letter' and di label
SERIOUS MISCONDUCT? Eiii nyampah nye !!!!

 I just hope in February life would be 'a BIT....sikit je' better for us here in KL...

2012 bermula lah semula sesi rush pergi sekolah, kerja, jamm pagi petang... nak balik rumah pun susah...nak
dinner apa, karenah anak anak and that's include me jugak lah...Yang buat dear Hubby naik darah tinggi!!
Sampai kita tanya simple question pun kena TEMBAK...ha ha lepas tu kita bengang dia kata kita TERSENTAP! Iye laa whatever lah sayang oooi....iye laahh maybe age factor yg dah bertambah banyak ni kita jadi SUPER SENSITIVE agaknya...just say out laa whatever you have in mind...and pls think BETUL ke apa yg kita fikir tu?

And another kes pulak si Cik Heidi tu refuse to attend SRA(Sek Rendah Agama) .....macam macam
cara dah pujuk ...still failed ...Tahun ni dia tukar sesi pagi , si abang Zikry sesi petang..x de bodyguard
and she have to face with new friends and a new Ustazah...tu sbb lah dia x mau pergi sekolah...Rugi
rasanya kalau kami gagal pujuk dia..

2012 my hendsome Zikry akan menghadapi UPSR...jadi tahun ni jangan leka lagi ye cik Abang...sibuk 'amen'game dengan Amat je...Dah nak masuk 12 tahun tau 19hb February nanti....Insyaallah kalau rajin
dapat lah 5A...boleh join Kak Hannah masuk sekolah berasrama penuh! Ehh nanti sunyi pulak ye x de orang
nak kacau Heidi...

10 December ... Mr Fariq finally settled down...SELAMAT 'BELATED' PENGANTIN BARU !!

                                      And macam biasa mesti ada 'MY PRODUCT' for the event...

Carrot Walnut + Cream Cheese
Fondant Decos
Kek Lapis Orange Howflakes

And we celebrate my baby kerinting punya 4th Birthday jugak...will update in my next post....tak sabar lahh server kat sini terrrsangatlah slow ...dari pagi cuma ini yg dapat saya update!!